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Overall Points
Points are given based on placement in competitions: With Currently 12 members the Winner of an event receives 12 points.
     1st place: 12 points
     2nd place: 11 points
     3rd place: 10 points
     4th place: 9 points
     5th place: 8 points
     6th place: 7 points 
     7th place: 6 points
     8th place: 5 points
     9th Place: 4 points
     10th place: 3 points
     11th place: 2 points
     Last place: 1 point.
If less members participate in an event points are awarded down to the number of placement of participants in the event.
 ex: For a 4 participant event
    1st place : 12 points
    2nd place: 11 points
    3rd place: 10 points
    4th place: 9 points
- Players must participate in a minimum of 4 tournaments to qualify for the Overall League Champion
- Failure to play in at least 4 tournaments results in player being put on probation for the following season.
- Overall Points will be determined by taking the total points of your top 5 individual tournament finishes divided by 5. If you reach the probation        minimum but do not play in a 5th tournament a 0 will be added to your total score in determining overall standings.
- Players on Probation that fail to compete in at least 4 tournaments will be removed from the league. 
- Probation or Removal from the League may be appealed to the commissioners, if injury and/or illness prevented that player from participating in the league tournament minimum.
- Players must give the commissioners 2 weeks notice if missing a tournament, failure to do so results in -2 points in the overall league standings.      Exceptions for emergencies.
- If a player does not finish a tournament due to an unforeseen emergency or injury, that player will get the least amount of points in said tournament. If a player does not finish a tournament due to any other situation (drunkenness, rage quit, etc), they will take 0 points for said tournament.
During the Round
- Tournaments are 36 holes with an intermission after 18 holes.
- Shotgun Start will be held at the start of the first round, missing the shotgun start will result in a 1 stroke penalty , or an additional beer chug, for every 5 minutes up to 15 minutes at which time the player will be disqualified receiving -2 overall points.

- Intermission will only last up to 10 minutes.

- Players electing to use their Beer Chug Mulligan will have 1 minute to finish, failure to do so results in a 1 stroke penalty every 1 minute they are past.

- Player groups will be split into multiple play cards of 3-4 players, depending on participation rates and tournament structure.
- During a round if a player is injured and is unable to finish the round, that round counts towards their league tournament total but, results in a last place finish for that tournament.

- Hole-in-ones result in a play card beer chug, as this is celebratory, players will have 3 minutes to drink their beverage. Players must use a new beer for this activity.
- Toilet Bowl Winner must use the Innova Groove for 1 drive from a tee box at every tournament they participate in the year following their Toilet Bowl win. Failure to do so will result in a 3-stroke penalty assessed at the end of each tournament play.
Foot faults are to be enforced per the PDGA Rules, Cardmates are encouraged to watch all of their cardmates throws and keep an eye out for any footing misconduct. Should an infringement occur, the player who saw it calls it. Should that call be confirmed by another cardmate, a warning will be issued. And the players get to keep their shot. Should this happen a second time 1 penalty stroke is added. Should this happen a third+ times a 2-stroke penalty is added to the players score, 2nd occurrence is a 2 stroke.
Teeing off: Play begins on each hole with the player throwing from within the hole's teeing area. A teeing area, or tee, is the area bounded by the edges of a tee pad, if provided. Otherwise, it is the area extending three meters perpendicularly behind the designated tee line. The tee line is the line at the front of the teeing area, or the line between the outside edges of two tee markers. When the disc is released, the player must have at least Green Bay Disc Golf Association 2 one supporting point within the teeing area, and all supporting points must be within the teeing area. A supporting point is any part of the player's body that is, at the time of release, in contact with the playing surface or any other object that provides support. The player is allowed to have a supporting point outside the teeing area before or after, but not at, the moment the disc is released.
-Fairway: When the disc is released, the player must:
▪ Have at least one supporting point that is in contact with the lie; and,
▪ Have no supporting point closer to the target than the rear edge of the marker disc; and,
▪ Have all supporting points in-bounds
-Putting: While the player is inside of the putting circle(30m), after you have released your disc you must demonstrate full control of your balance before you move toward the basket. If you fail to do this, you have committed a foot fault and will receive a penalty
Majors Attire
- Polo shirts are required for all Majors tournaments. These include the GBDGA Players Cup, The GBDGA Founder's Cup, and the GBDGA Masters
   NOTE: As of the 2017 Season the GBDGA Green Bay Open is no longer a GBDGA Major tournament.

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